South Maui - Wow!

As a younger couple we always dreamed of a tropical vacation. Our dreams were of a Carribean Isle ... or a Mexican resort ... we never gave much thought to Hawai'i.

In 1985 June and I were invited to join friends for a Maui vacation. The rest, as they say history.

Our first visit was to a nice unit at the Kihei Kai Nani Resort. All subsequent visits have been to OUR condo at KKN. 2015 will be 30 years of visiting Maui -- and we are still thrilled every time we get on the plane heading to OGG!

This wesite is our Maui4Sun Condo website. It's supposed to be a great sales tool to obtain bookings at our unit when we're not there. ... yeah, yeah, yeah ...

OK, there will be some Maui4Sun Condo information ... somewhere in here. We'll have rates and an availability calendar and all that good stuff.

But mostly, this will be our take on the land that we love. Beaches, Food & Drink, Activities (not 'sales pitch activities') and comments from us ... Maui is truly our 'home away from home.'

If you have never been to Maui ... go! Whether you stay at our Maui4Sun Condo or not ... hopefully you can pick up some South Maui information on this site that will enhance your trip.

Enjoy !!!


MAUI ... Whether your 1st visit ... or 21st ...

Maui is home ... or 2nd home ... to many of us. We, as most, first came as tourists ... and fell in love with the Island and its people. So exotic ... so tropical ... yet so at home. There is always a reason to smile here.


Is it really this beautiful on Maui ? ........ YES!!!

Maui Coast Maui Sunset Maui Sunset Maui Cliffs


Email Us!

WHAT ELSE IS THERE? is your tropical sun, sand, surf, kayak, snorkel, scuba, walk, run, bicycle, climb, shop, eat and drink Headquarters!

Thanks for stopping by.

John Krome