website ... it's a work in progress !!!

Keep checking in to see how I progress!

Can you believe Maui ... under $100 per night April through November? ... under $130 per night December through March? I've seen airfares recently (January '09) under $500 RT from the US West Coast ... some around $400 RT.

MAUI ... Whether your 1st visit ... or 21st ...

Maui is home ... or 2nd home ... to many of us. We're the ones walking the Ocean Path in Wailea with a smile ... even if it hasn't been our best day. I am still astounded how many tourists look ... miserable. They must not understand Maui. There is nothing to be or look miserable about here.

Not only a great Vacation - an email Friend, too!

For Maui Newbies

If you are totally new to Maui, your first stop should be my Little Maui Travelogue . When you're done there, come back to for more.

A highlight box


Just email me!

WHAT ELSE IS THERE? is your tropical sun, sand, surf, play, kayak, snorkel, scuba, walk, run, bicycle, climb, games, shop, eat and drink Headquarters!

Thanks for stopping by.

June & John Krome