South Maui

Hit the Beaches !!!!

Maui Beaches ... that's really why we're here ... right? ...... RIGHT !!!

South Maui ... where your Beach Fantasies come true !!!

Maui is an Island Paradise in the middle of the Pacific. Maui has Beautiful Beaches everywhere ... West, North and East. I'm here to tell you the Best Beaches are on the Gold Coast - South Maui. And don't bother with North or Central Kihei ... the real Magical Beaches of South Maui start at Kam I and continue for six miles to Big Beach.

What is your Beach 'check-list' ???

For Maui Newbies

If you are totally new to Maui, your first stop should be my Little Maui Travelogue . When you're done there, come back to for more.

Are Beaches really this Beautiful in South Maui ? ........ YES !!!

Ulua Beach Maui Sunset Maui Sunset Big Beach


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WHAT ELSE IS THERE? is your tropical sun, sand, surf, play, kayak, snorkel, scuba, walk, run, bicycle, climb, games, shop, eat and drink Headquarters!

Please explore .... and thanks for stopping by !

John & June Krome